Monday, June 13, 2011

My World and Welcome to It!

Welcome to Win at Work! I have been writing for other people and other organizations for a few years, and I decided, in addition to that, to having my own blog that can entice, educate, stimulate, and amuse you.

What I see in this world of ours is that the conversation is often on topics or perspectives that have little positive effect on things. We are so involved in personalities and perversions that we often don't focus on the real issues. If we did focus on the real issues and not the personalities or the symptoms, we could improve things.

I will be writing from the conflict resolution point of view - how we can be more professional, more peace-oriented, more compassionate, more citizens of the world. How can we take care of ourselves and continue to think of others? I might write somethings that cause you to disagree -- please do and let's have meaningful conversation.

Look for the first installment next week. I'll be looking for you!

1 comment:

  1. Diane
    Thank you for the insightful information. It dawned on me how true it is that we can get so caught up in personalities and symptoms thus never even knowing the real problems. I look forward to more of your blogs.
